Monday, June 24, 2019

Being Free From ME

“Being Free From ME”
By: Simply Rachael

One of my favourite song to listen to is Kirk Franklin “Imagine Me”, this song ministers to me so much that when I’m trying to find my way in life or when I’m having a hard time dealing with life issues; it reminds me to hope in God.
I remember having days when my thoughts reminded me of pass mistakes or old wounds, broken promises and thought of waiting for salvation (someone to save me). Salvation from me, other and the life I lived. One moment I was feeling great ‘flying high like a kite’ but then I would feel so low. I prayed that my pain would come to its end for the nightmare to be over.

Being Free
The most difficult thing in life is learning to forgive oneself when you’ve lost your way in life or you feel guilty or ashamed about past mistakes that are eating away at your soul. A desire to be free stirred deeply within me as my faith in God was being tested. Would I throw in the towel or run back instead of facing the dark clouds that fog over the pathway ahead. The battle going on inside of me was so fierce that I wanted to give up. The hurt, the pain, the loneliness, the sadness all made me feel trapped within myself, looking for the strength to face another day. 
The ability to forgive oneself starts with loving oneself enough to look beyond the pain to see that you are loved by Jesus Christ. Regardless of what you have done or what has gone wrong in your life (1 John 4:10 “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his son to be the propitiation of our sins.”)
I prayed and asked God to teach me how to be better at lovely myself. To love myself even when I have mess up, broken, sad, ashamed, disappointment or in need of healing and deliverance. Being free requires prayer because prayer is a cleansing tool for the pain within our soul. It’s easy to sit and have a ‘petty party’ but if you want result and change in your life, then pray to be healed from your deep pain. As David stated in Psalm 42:11 “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.”

Be Free
1 John 4:10 “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his son to be the propitiation of our sins.” God loved us before we could ever think of loving him. It’s easy to give up when the battle on the inside in raging but if we trust and be confident that God’s word is truthful. We will feel loved enough to be free through God’s love for us that heals, transforms, delivers, restores and consecrates anyone who will accept his love.
I prayed a great deal in the dark times of my life for God to have mercy on me and deliver me from my deep pains. I placed all my hope, trust, strength and love in God and his word that I would be free to live in victory. When you pray it gives God an opportunity to do thing in your lives that we can’t do yourself.
The dark times in your life will not always last. You can be freed from your thoughts and feelings through God’s love. David in his time of troubles declare, “For I shall yet praise him” because he understood God’s love is everlasting. I declared in my dark times “God loves me” even when I didn’t feel loved. Declaring God’s word empowers us to believe by faith in his word Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an excepted end.” Be free through the love of God.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

How to write a book

Storytelling is fundamental to human development. It helps you communicate with people your thoughts, emotions, desires, passion and personal experiences. 
Everyone story is worth telling and being heard, so why not start writing yours today?
There are key things to planning out a book that will ensure you have a great story everyone will enjoy.
1. The purpose of your book/ story
2. Writing your story 
3. What category is your book
(fiction, non-fiction, narrative, drama, children, etc.)
4. The big idea
5. Table of content
6. The Plot ( beginning, middle and end)
7. Problem -solution sets
8. knowing your audience
I'll post a video about each point later on.How to start a book